April Grants

The following organizations were awarded Grants in April, 2024:

  • The Drake House –  In North Georgia supporting women and their children who are experiencing homelessness.  They offer a series of life skills programs that help women develop needed the skills they use to obtain employment and housing and  childcare while these ladies are in classes.
  • Missouri Girls Town – works with neglected women, helping them over come severe trauma they have faced.
  • Society for Women Engineers – supports girls in the field of engineering, a field typically dominated by men. They work with girls in grades 9-12 who are looking to pursue a degree in engineering.
  • Community Youth Advance – They work to overcome a huge problem that has developed with COVID, which is students who have fallen behind in school.  They offer academic and mentoring programs that work with these students to bring them back up to grade level.
  • Girls of Alameda County Inc. – this organization is out of Oakland, CA whose focus is helping girls, overcome academic obstacles they face.
  • City Care –Oklahoma City, operates a program to help bring 1st through fifth graders up to reading level.  Kids who fall behind in reading typically fall behind all throughout school and have a hard time ever catching up.
  • The Women’s Home  -Houston, TX, who work with women who have mental illness and victims of substance abuse looking for help. They are developing a new outpatient program to help these women.
  • New Morning –  Columbia, SC , who works with women to educate them about unplanned pregnancies and provide contraceptive methods.
  • Women Global Empowerment Fund – continuing and expanding their agriculture, women in agri-business, farming program, supporting Gulu Women’s Resource Centre  and expanding the Healthy Periods Initiative to include additional schools and communities and re-igniting our literacy program which has been limited due to regional health risks.