Grant awarded to Muasumegh Area Farmers Common Initiative Group (MUAFCIG)
The Foundation is pleased to support MUAFCIG, a community development not for profit group that works for the interest of the community in the areas of sustainable agriculture, education, culture, water, hygiene and Sanitation and community building. It’s target group is disadvantaged women and children.
The projects main objective is to purchase and install 5 maize transformation/grinding machines that will enable 5 rural women’s and youths groups of about 100 persons in Sand pit/Bokwaongo villages, to grow maize, transform fresh and dry maize to various edible food types such as “pap”, “corn fufu, corn beer” as well as the production of livestock feed. By supplying these rural and needy women/youths with improved maize varieties the yields from the maize can attend 4-5 tons per hectare, as opposed to the local variety which is just 1 ton per hectare. In order to complete the project successfully, MUAFCIG will supply the women/youths with planting tools like machetes, hoes and wheel barrows. They will also be supplied agroforestry seeds (nitrogen fixing trees) to improve the soil fertility and fight the impact of climate change in food production on the existing farming system. This will curb food insecurity amongst poor women and youths by preventing post-harvest loss typically incurred by female/youths maize farmers in the beneficiary communities. This will build an entrepreneurial group of women/ youths who can generate extra income through maize farming and transformation. This will result in the improved living conditions of these families and fight hunger. The projects goals by the end of the program are for women/youth groups to be able to own and operate grinding mills that will enable them to generate additional income to help solve the problem of poverty and locals inability to educate their children. By improving the farm sizes and yields, with better equipment, this should work towards eliminating poverty within these families. Through their supply of agroforestry, like acacia and lucanae, it will improve the current impact on climate change on the farming system mitigation.
This project will meets MUAFCIG’s long-term plans in the area by equipping marginalized youths, orphans, widows and vulnerable single mothers with skills on employability and self-reliance in the Cameroon, Africa area. This coincides with the McQuade Foundation’s mission by improving the lives of women and children.