Grant awarded to the Boys and Girls Club of SW Virginia!
Congratulations to the Boys and Girls Club of Southwest Virginia. They have been awarded $10,000.00 to support their Project Learn program, which is an essential component of our overall programming at the BGCSWVA and is implemented five days a week at our 9th Street Club in southeast Roanoke. This ongoing program provides local youth with affordable after-school and summer programming that increases academic achievement and personal development so that youth stay in school, graduate high school on time, and go on to post-secondary education and rewarding careers.
Grant Awarded to AHALA
Grant Awarded to FINCA International
Grant Awarded to Children’s Trust
McQuade Foundation Receives 501 (c)(3) Status
Effective 12/31/2013, the IRS has determined that the Foundation is tax exempt and qualifies as a 501 (c)(3) organization.
McQuade Foundation Awards Grant to WGEF
Congratulations to the Women’s Global Empowerment fund. You have been awarded a $18,000.00 grant to further your work in Uganda. WGEF offers women access to microcredit loans, business development training and educational initiatives. The focus will be on three areas: leadership development, literacy and health initiatives.
Read the summary of the grant request here
McQuade Foundation Website Launch!
Welcome to the Kathryn McQuade Foundation Website.
We are now live, and ready to accept application requests.
If you have an application that conforms with our mission, please read the guidelines and download the application
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via the website.