Kathryn McQuade

Grants awarded in June and July

The following grants were awarded in June and July:

  • American Indian College Fund- Denver, CO
  • Stem Paths Innovation Network – Renton, WA
  • Institute for Economic Empowerment of Women – Okalahoma City, OK
  • Jesse Tree of Idaho – Boise, ID
  • Boys and Girls Club of Central VA – Charlottesville, VA
  • TechnoServe – Arlington, VA
  • Flying Kites, Inc, Dedman, MA
  • Life More Abundantly Pregnancy and Family Resource, Phoenix, AZ
  • Ocean’s Harbor House, Inc, Toms River, NJ

Grant Applications

Due to the large number of grant requests we have recieved  this year,  the Foundation is closing the submission period for 2023 on September 1.  We believe this is necessary to allow us to process the requests that have already been submitted  in a timely manner.  If your organization was awarded a multi year grant, you should still provide your update and post grant review in order to recieve any subsequent awards.

We hope to open the grant process beginning in 2024.

Kathryn McQuade

Grant awards for March, April and May

The following grant awards were made during March, April and May:

  • Boys and Girl’s Club of SW VA
  • Blink Now
  • Catholic Charities of Southern NV- Immigration Services
  • NoKidBehind, Inc.
  • Hilde Back Education Fund, “Gift to a Child”
  • Mother’s for Justice and Equity
  • Connections Homes, Texas “Don’t Go Alone Program”
  • American Fund for Charities- College of William and Mary
  • Medical Teams International
  • Chldren’s Trust Fund of Roanoke Valley
  • IDE – Powering Entrepreneurs to end poverty
  • Women’s Globak Enpowerment Fund


Communicating with the Foundation

We try to make the grant process easy, and keep open communications; however we have had some issues recently.  If you are interested in applying for a Grant, inquiring about your application or have any other questions please read the website carfully.

  • The Application form and guidelines are on the face of the home page (under Granr Seekers) and is an easy click. You must be a 501(c)(3) to apply.
  • Requests for grants can not be made through the contact section of the website.
  • If you use the contact section of the website, we request that you include your contact information in the body of the Comment section so that we can respond to your questions.  We will not be able to respond otherwise.
  • Inquires of the status of your applicaton should be made directly to Robert Fox at Bank of America.  His contact information is on the website.
  • If you recieve notice that your request has been awarded,  but your check doesn’t arrive in a few weeks, please contact Robert Fox promptly.  We have had several checks lost in the mail.

While we try to make timely grants, we are getting numerous requests in the pipeline. We process requests on a First come basis, however if information is incomplete the process takes much longer.  We also use GuideStar ratings to assist us in our decisions.

Thank You,



February Grant Awards

The Foundation is pleased to award the following grants:

  • ForKids Inc., is an organization located in Chesapeake Bay, VA whose goal is to help children and their families break the chain of poverty.
  • ProLiteracy –  is a non-profit focused on improving adult literacy in the United States. Based in NY, but operate around the country,  and work with over a 1000 different organizations/programs. A  majority of the folks they help are women and of diverse ethnicities.
  • But God Ministries – is an organization to assist in early intervention education literacy for K to 3rd grade in the  incredibly impoverished areas of Mississippi.
  • Nurture Africa, providing health care and reproductive rights training, nutritious meals,  income generating activities and women and childrens rights.

January Grants

The Foundation has awarded the following grants for January 2023:

  • LEAP (Ladies Empowerment and Action Program) –  Women’s Prison Program the only program in Florida that addresses the unique needs of women starting with in-prison education and continuing with post-release services. Equipping the formerly incarcerated with skills to become self-sufficient as well as wraparound services that positively impact their health and well-being and helping provide  better outcomes for their children.
  • Care Net Women’s Resource Center- Program Expenses for Pregnancy Center- strives to addresses the needs of those who face an unplanned pregnancy and help these women with sustainable improvements in providing for their children’s welfare by empowering, equipping, educating, and enabling them with skills, tangible resources, and physical, spiritual, emotional and mentor support.
  • GenerateHope -Recovery to transition programs for female survivors of sex trafficking, 18 years and older with  comprehensive services to meet the unique needs of trafficking survivors, including: • Trauma-Informed Case Management • Emergency Food/Clothing • Trauma-Informed Counseling • Twenty topic-specific groups • Onsite, year-round education program.
  • Rescue Mission for Steet Life (RMSL)-Technical Training Funding.   The project will benefit  older children (15-18 years, with the emphasis on girls) rescued off the streets of Kampala Uganda by the probation officers, local authorities and the police Funds will be used to run the programs to teach trade and life skills to be able to work and live independently when they transition to adulthood.

2022 reflection

As we close the year I would like to reflect on the many wonderful organizations that are doing such needed work.  The world is in great need of kindness and help for so many people.  I am grateful to the many devoted organizations that we have helped to fund.  They work hard everyday to make the world better for those that have little or are facing difficult times.

Our requests contiue to increase and we are working hard to manage the need.  If you should have any questions on the status of your request, please contact the team at Bank of America.  Their contact information is on the website.

Also, please be mindful of our guidelines:

  • To apply, the recipient must be a qualified 501(c)(3) organization or a qualified Sponsor organization that is a 501(c)(3).
  • The Foundation will target grants in the range of $5,000.00 to $50,000.00, but will consider grant applications for other amounts.
  • The Foundation will consider requests for multi-year projects, but the grantee will have to report on predetermined stage gates and measures of progress and request subsequent year funds. Payments will not be automatic.
  • The Foundation will make timely decisions on your grant request and provide clear communications on our expectations of reporting progress.  Any questions as to the status of your request should be directed to [email protected]
  • Grant applications can be submitted throughout the year and must be submitted on the the Application Form available on this website. Applications are evaluated on a First come basis.
  • Grantees must use the Application Form on the Website.
  • the Foundation uses Guidestar ratings as a guide to evaluating an organiztion.
  • Grantees may be asked additional questions and must complete a post grant summary upon completion of the grant period and prior to requesting a new grant. 

If you are interested in applying for a grant, I encourage you to read fully our website www.mcquadefoundation.org.

I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season



Grants awarded in November and December

Grants awarded in November and December:

  • Hands up for Hatti, an organization that works with folks in Hatti who lack the basic human needs such as healthcare and clean water.
  • New Awakening Recovery Services,  an organization out of Alabama that helps folks, particularly women, recover from substance abuse.
  • JFS- Clifton- Passaic, funding housing program for women who have faced domestic violence.
  • Restavek, an organization that works with children in Hatti who have been subjected to human slavery.
  • Girls on the Run- Minnesota for scholarships.
  • Missouri Girls Town FDN,  who provide care for abused and neglected girls in Missouri.
  • TCP Youth Empowerment is an organization out of Maryland that works with at risk children.
  • One Yard Away, Charlotte, NC helps elderly women and Veterans with their yards.
  • Pathlight International, helps Girls in Belize obtain degress.  Free education stops at age 12.


Grants awarded in October

The foundation is pleased to support the following organizations with grants awarded in October:

– TeachUnited and their School accelerator program, supporting 3 schools in Tanzania.

– Far Away Friends. This is an all women led nonprofit who works in Uganda and whose goal is to break the cycle of poverty.

– Freedom Worldwide Mission. This is an organization to works with folks in Cameroon to help them with all areas of their impoverished lives. This grant  will be used for their Education Rehabilitation Center.

-Africa Exchange Project is an organization that focuses on folks in Tanzania helping with providing suitable clean water, education and healthcare. This grant will help with a school they are building.

-The Citizens Foundation is an organization that supports underprivileged children in Pakistan helping to provide them quality educations . This grant will support their Aagahi program which helps to provide functional literacy skills training to women and girls.

-Womens Global Empowerment Fund, continued support for their women’s programs in Uganda

Grants awarded in August and September

The Foundation is pleased to announce that the following organizations have received awards in August and September:

-YWCA Central Carolinas, Charlotte, NC

-Community Youth Advance, Hyattsville, MD

-Change Choices, Charlotte, NC

-AHALA, Roanoke VA- Life Projects and Super Scholarship

-American Indian College Fund, Denver, CO

-Virginia Foundation for Community College Education, Richmond, VA

-Eleven Pictures, Keyesville, VA

-Tutoring Chicago, Chicago, IL

-Life’s Kitchen, Boise, ID