Grant award to Trickle Up
Congratulations to Trickle Up, they have been awarded a $25,000 grant.
In 2016, Trickle Up served 850 women, girls, people with disabilities, and indigenous peoples in the Americas.
They implemented projects in Guatemala and Nicaragua and advised new local partnerships. Over the next 5
years, Trickle Up’s goal is to reach 25,000 participants, benefiting a total of 125,000 people in the Americas. A
grant from the McQuade Foundation will help Trickle Up reach that goal. Funds will be used to support their
current projects in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Mexico, and Paraguay in their fiscal year ending August, 2017.
Projects not only include their empowerment program but also include different Government partnerships
aimed to the improvement of social conditions.
Once a woman begins the program, she joins a savings group of 10-25 women who learn to save together and
take out loans to reinvest in their businesses. This is the first group many of these women have ever been a
part of. These groups help women with self-confidence and decision-making. Trickle Up implements projects
specifically for young women and girls to increase their social empowerment and economic opportunities.
They seek to increase participants’ income and financial literacy, capacity to access and manage savings and
credit, and knowledge of sexual and reproductive rights. The goal is for women to become empowered,
effective self-advocates, and leaders in their communities.
To monitor success, Trickle Up uses an evaluations system that is based on quantitative and qualitative data,
mobile data collection, and participatory approaches that asks a series of questions to participants. They
analyze outcomes of participants, families and communities to help further define and measure success.